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Campbell Biology 9th Edition Chapter 5 Practice Tests

Campbell Biology Chapter 5- Test Flashcards

2173346935 What is a macromolecule? large and complex molecules that each have unique properties that aries from the arrangement of there atoms. It doesn't necessarily have repeating building blocks. 0
2204697364 What is a Polymer? A long molecule (macromolecule) that consists of many similar building blocks we call monomers 1
2204757592 What is a monomer? repeating units of atoms that serve has the building blocks of polymers. They are linked together by covalent bonds. 2
2204699561 List for four classes of macromolecules. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. 3
2204769247 What classes of macromolecules are polymers? Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids. 4
2204701700 How are fats (lipids) different form the other three classes of macromolecules? They are not polymers. 5
2204785060 How are polymers synthesized? Helped by enzymes. They are synthesized by a covalent bond by loss of a water molecule. They call this dehydration reaction. One side of the monomer releases an H will the other side provides HO. 6
2204858442 How are polymers broken down? By hydrolysis or the adding of a HO2 molecule. 7
2204992830 What is a carbohydrate? Sugars and polymers of sugars. They serve of the major fuel and raw building material for cells. 8
2204995536 What are monosaccharides? CH2O H-C-HO Glucose is the most common. 9
2205052383 How are monosaccharides classified? Number of carbons and location of carbonyl group. 10
2205257022 what is a disaccharide and how is it bonded? Its when two monosaccharides bond by a covalent bond called a glycosidic linkage. 11
2205289222 What is a Polysaccharide and what does it do? polymers of sugars, they are responsible for storage and structure. Macromolecule of carbohydrates. 12
2205316087 What is a starch? Carbohydrate. Used for storage in plants 13
2205325417 What is Glycogen? Storage polysaccharide in animals. 14
2205328504 What is cellulose? Structural polysaccharide in plant cells. For the tough walls. 15
2205343980 What are Lipids? hydrophobic macromolecules that aren't polymers. They mix poorly in water. 16
2205356212 Why do lipids mix poorly with water? They consist mostly of hydrocarbons with form non-polar bonds. 17
2205359044 What are the most biologically important lipids? fats, phospholipids and steroids. 18
2205375502 what are fats? constructed from two types of smaller molecules: gycerol and fatty acids. 19
2205379716 What is glycerol? three carbon alochol with hydroxl group attached to each carbon. 20
2205382822 What is a fatty acid? carboxl group attached to a long carbon skeletion 21
2205415477 What bond forms fats? Ester linkage. This consists of three fatty acids joined (the same or all different) to a glycerol this forms a triacylglycerol. 22
2205427028 What makes a fatty acid saturated? maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible and no double bonds. Ex. Butter. Animal fat. 23
2205430093 What makes a fatty acid unsaturated? have one or more double bonds. Double bonding causes bending. Ex. Oils. Plant fat and fish fat. 24
2206245396 How do you make unsaturated fats into saturated fats? Hydrogenation, by adding hydrogen. 25
2206240177 What are trans fats? by hydrogenating vegetable oil. This creates trans double bonds. 26
2205809982 What are fatty acids hydrated with? Hydrogen 27
2205836446 What is the main reason for fats? energy storage 28
2205844540 What are phospholipids? two fatty acids and a phosphate group attached to glycerol. Fatty acids trails are hydrophobic while the phosphate group head is hydrophilic. 29
2206015281 What are steroids? Lipids with carbon skeleton and four fused rings. 30
2206117792 Example steroid. Cholesterol 31
2206167312 What are proteins? Polymer with a wide range of structures and functions. They speed up chemical reaction, defense, storage, etc. Account for more than 50% of dry space within cell. 32
2206302092 Name all types of proteins, and their function. 1. Enzymatic- Acceleration of reactions. (digestive enzymes) 2. Defensive- Protect against disease (antibodies) 3. Storage- of amino acids (Casein) 4.Transport- of substances (Hemoglobin) 5.Hormonal- coordination of an organisms activities. (Insulin) 6.Receptor- Response to of cell to chemical stimuli 7.Contractile/Motor- movement 8.Structural- support (keratin) 33
2206355646 What are polypeptides? unbranched polymers built from amino acids. 34
2206364419 What makes up a protein? Polypeptides 35
2206372874 How are amino acids made up? Amino+carboxyl group. They only differ in their properties because of the R groups (side Chains) 36
2206426986 Non-Polar Side chains 37
2206432851 Polar Side Chains 38
2206452962 Acidic and Basic Side chains 39

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Campbell Biology 9th Edition Chapter 5 Practice Tests
